The secret of being good at something

The secret to using confidence in one area to build success in another

I’ll let you in on one of the fundamental secrets to confident selling, but first I have a question for you.

Can you identify one area of your life that you feel really confident in? Perhaps you’re confident in building friendships, or learning new things, maybe you are fearless at sports, know instinctively how to raise happy children, or feel undaunted when starting up a new business.

Whatever that area is for you, where confidence comes naturally, think about it for a moment. How did you become confident in this area? I want you to write down the ways you ‘built’ or ‘grew’ your confidence.  Did it come easily, or did you have to work on it over time? Did you have mentors you looked up to or did you find your own way, through hard work and practice?

In my case, I’m very confident about travel and unafraid to visit or live in different countries and cultures. Despite other insecurities in my childhood, I developed this sense of adventure by travelling with my entrepreneur father to exotic places like Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan. Even though being away from home was daunting, I was adaptable and learned to associate travel with excitement and camaraderie. To this day airports fill me with anticipation and positive expectation. This sense of excitement to take on new and unknown experiences fuels my love of business development, and feeds the curiosity I have about people, which ultimately made me highly successful in sales.

What about you? Whatever you just wrote down about yourself reveals the keys to unlocking the first fundamental secret to learning how to build your confidence in sales. The great news is, like me, you’ve built confidence before, which means your brain already knows how to do it. You have an individualized set of tools to work with and apply to the principles of successful sales.

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