One of the reasons I became a business coach was the fact that many “passionate” business owners business have some real issues around selling and around money. Their heart is in the right place but they self-sabotage when it comes to asking people to buy from them.
What I hear from them most of the time is ‘I don’t want to be a pushy sales person’ or ‘they’ll buy when they’re ready’ and of course that never happens and the ‘holistic business’ that has great products and services closes down because they were afraid to sell.
Just because you have found your calling and purpose and you want to change the way of the world with your great services or products doesn’t give you a license not to sell your product or service. In fact, it’s imperative that you learn to sell and sell like a champion so that every single person buys your product and we can change the world!
Yes, it’s important that we sell from the heart and not the head, but we still must learn the art of selling. Selling can be done in such a way that it’s all about care and nurturing and guiding the prospect to invest in your product or service but you need training and you need to know how to do it.
I’ve been lucky enough to have travelled the world working for some of the biggest companies across the globe. Selling is definitely a male’s domain and many a time I found myself the only woman in the room of blue suits! I learnt how to sell like them, but I changed a few things around. Instead of focusing on commissions, sales and contracts my focus came from the heart and the prospects needs. It was irrelevant whether I made the sale or not, but what was vital was that I was focused, in the moment and was heart based when I went to discuss how we could help them. I’d like to add I also meditated before every sales process and the results were astounding…Here are some of them below:
- Top sales person for Paramount & Universal Studios for 8 months in a row
- Averaged $22,000USD a month for a Personal development company in the US
- Sold 25 x $4000 learning courses on average for 9 months’ straight
- Built a team of 3000 distributors in 5 countries
These are just a few of the accomplishments and the only reason I am telling you this is to impress upon you that just because you are a holistic business doesn’t mean you can’t sell in fact it’s a must that you do. If I can do it anyone can do it, it’s just a matter of knowledge and engaging in your purpose so that everyone can benefit from your product or service.
Like any endeavour, learning sales takes time, understanding and patience. Creating the right mindset that suits your personality helps to unblock and self-sabotaging patterns. Learning the different ways people purchase helps you learn to assist the person decide.